Khaing Sabal is an eighteen-year-old girl who lives with her adopted parents in Shwe Pyi Thar, one of the biggest slum areas in Yangon, Myanmar. Khaing Sabal was studying in Grade 10 before these political crises started in Myanmar, and heradopted can no longer support her with the education anymore. The child was taken care of by our child protection team for her wellbeing and provided with the necessary supports.
The family and our child program arranged vocational training for her so that she could learn something useful for her professional career and be independent in the future. She is now attending nurseaid and pharmacy training and hoping to get a job when she finishes the class, as she loves to assist people with their health. The family and the child are thankful for the opportunities that the SANNI Foundation has provided to her, and she wishes the foundation the best so that other children like her can receive the help and assistance they need.