Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation Thanks to your support, the SANNI Foundation enables almost 1000 sponsored children in India and Myanmar to have a better life. This year, 17 young people in [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation Thanks to our dedicated ambassador Marc Wyss, we were able to hold our Ambassadors Meeting this summer at the beautiful Sonnenberg Restaurant. It was a great [...]
Mit mehr als 1,4 Milliarden Einwohnern ist Indien nicht nur das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Welt, sondern auch die fünftgrößte Volkswirtschaft. Eine boomende digitale Wirtschaft, ein [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation Stay fit in summer and support children in Myanmar at the same time at our SANNI Run! On Saturday, August 24, 2024, the SANNI Foundation is once again [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation Your donations have had a great impact – and this within just a few months. During my last visit to the slums of Delhi in April, I was able to see how [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation The SANNI Fashion Sale, which took place on 22 and 23 March 2024 in Zollikon, enjoyed great popularity and support thanks to the initiative of the SANNI [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation Learning skills, making something yourself, earning a small income and thus taking the first steps towards an independent future. The sewing project initiated [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation In February, I visited the SANNI Foundation’s projects in Myanmar. Three years have passed since the military coup and I thought that at some point [...]
Dear friends of the SANNI Foundation In February, I visited the SANNI Foundation’s projects in Myanmar. Three years have passed since the military coup and I thought that at some point [...]
Auch in 2023 konnten wir viel mit unseren Projekten in Myanmar bewegen. Unser engagiertes Team vor Ort ist weiterhin – auch in schwierigen Zeiten – mit vollem Herzblut dabei und unterstützt, wo [...]