Thae Maung is a seventeen-year-old boy who lives with his sister and aunt’s family in South Dagon, one of the largest slum areas in Yangon, Myanmar. Thae Maung and his sister have to help with their aunt’s family and work together for the household they live in since their parents passed away when they were young. He gets to attend until Grade 6, and then his education journey ended when COVID started and the family needed all the help they could get.
He is very shy, sweet, and helpful at home. Both Thae Maung and his sister have grown up healthy with the support of the SANNI Foundation. Thae Maung was struggling to find a career that included his interests, and he finally chose to learn to be a barista.
After two months of training and learning at the barista class, he recently completed his training and is now able to make awesome drinks. He is very eager to start working with this skill and very proud of it. He can make various coffees and even do some nice decorating. His sister is very proud of him and really thankful for the support that the SANNI Foundation has given to her younger brother.