Phyo Ko Ko is an eight-year-old boy who lives with his small family in Hlaing Thar Yar, one of the largest slum areas in Yangon, Myanmar. The child is suffering from a lifelong disability due to a post-neonatal infection and is also receiving nutrition support from our clinic for free.
Phyo Ko Ko has one younger sister who is still a toddler, and the family of four is having a difficult time when the father’s odd jobs do not pay much and the mother makes dresses at home to make money but cannot do much because both children need special care.
The SANNI Foundation supported the mother with nice fabrics (attend the event type) so that she could sell them to her usual customers and earn money for both the fabric and the dress-making fees. The mother and the family are grateful to receive support in the area she is good at and look forward to receiving more customers to expand the business in the future.